Shooting Wall is happy to announce our Fall 2012 Film Screening Series to be held at PhilaMOCA. We will be holding screenings one Monday a month between September and November. We will be screening a mixture of short film and feature all made completely independently and mainly local. The last feature screened, in November, will also feature a live musical score! As always, the screenings are completely free and open to anyone. This series will act as a precursors to our 2nd Annual Film Festival to be held again in May. We also hope this series gives local and independent filmmakers a space to screen their films and a place for local cinephiles to see new and cutting edge cinema that they won't be able to see anywhere else. Also, we are finishing up Shooting Wall Issue #5 now, which should be out shortly. Stay tuned! The list of the films and the dates are below. Be sure to look for our booklet which should also be out shortly for more information about the films.
Wall Fall Screening Series at PhilaMOCA
September 24th at 7pm
Guillotine Blues by Joe Kramer, 4 minutes
from an Investigation by Joshua Martin, 115 minutes
October 22nd at 7pm
Mourning Dream by Jonah Stern, 24 minutes
by Andrew Wimer, 17 minutes
Heat by Dan Dickerson, 10 minutes
by Jess Hock, 7 minutes
Mud by Rob Malone, Brooke Bundy, Nigel Defriez, Kira Pearson, 15 minutes
Look At You by Karl Starkweather, 24 minutes
Look At You by Karl Starkweather, 24 minutes
November 12th at 7pm
by Marc Dickerson, 30 minutes
Wedding and a Funeral by Rob Marvin, 75 minutes with live musical score by Brandon Can't Dance
PhilaMOCA, 531 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, PA 19123